Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Nifty feature from YouTube

I just discovered that one can now post a video directly from YouTube into a blog (certain services, which include "Blogger, BlogSpot, and LiveJournal with more blog platforms on the way!")
I know that I couldn't embed my videos on my LiveJournal blog because I tried the other day. I'll have to check and see but that might be reserved for the paid LiveJournal accounts.
The point is rather moot, as far as LJ is concerned, anyway. I really only have a profile there so I could join the "Mortal Work of Art" community for people ("Words") involved in The Skin Project. I have a few postings but I'm not crazy about the skins and you can't do much with it unless you have a paid account. 1) I am cheap and 2) I figure if I can do a hell of a lot more on Blogger, then I am perfectly happy.... besides 3) I have something like 8-10 blogs on the go already, all of them on Blogger. I might as well just manage them all from there. (and IT is free).
Speaking of The Skin Project, I finally sent off my package of photos and the confirmation sheet that informed Shelley that I have, indeed, had myself Ineradicably Stained with my word. Now, I just have to come up with my blurb for the glossary.
It occurred to me that I should incorporate the fact that people seem to mistake my word (preserve) for "persevere"... easy to do but they are sort of unrelated.... However, I like the idea that people mistake preserving for persevering (or vice-versa). It sort of becomes a metaphore for what I have spent my life doing -- persevering for self-preservation. Anyway, I have to work on that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you can also imbed them on Wordpress now...