Sunday, August 12, 2007


Roy Pearson, the man who tried toe sue the ....errr... pants off a Washington, D.C.-area dry cleaners because their "Satisfaction Guaranteed" sign was "misleading"*, having lost his suit (law suit), is now refusing to pay the $82,907.50 legal fees for the defendants in the case.

You may recall that Pearson, administrative law judge, originally sued for $67 million, but reduced his claim to a mere $54 million.

* He apparently thinks that the sign means that if he wants you to hand over your entire life-savings because you lost his pants, you should do so because that is the only thing that would guarantee his satisfaction.
The Chungs, Defendants
Roy Pearson, the PlaintiffPhoto: Jacquelyn Martin -- Associated Press

Exhibit "A" -- The pants
Photo: John Shinkle

The findings

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