Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Swap Meat

I found this terrific online publication by Coudal Partners that I've been meandering my way through. Aside from the video which answers the question "Can I clean my (Mac) keyboard in the dishwasher?", their take on the London Olympics logo, and dealing with a "difficult situation" in the office, they have a SWAP MEET (oooorrr... swap meat?)!
"It seems like everyone we know is making stuff. People are publishing books and photography products, creating tee shirts, posters, stationery, stickers, games, pins, movies, music and toys. Periodically, we receive unsolicited stuff in the mail. We love getting it and most of the time we return the favor by sending back some of the stuff we've made.

So let's try doing this on a slightly larger scale in an attempt to make lots of people as happy as we are when the FedEx guy shows up unannounced."

Circuit-Bent Furby Pin-hole camera photos Jay Ryan Ltd. ed. Print (Sold out) Dan Herwig Leukemia Walk poster

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