Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Saddened"... but not enough to protest.

Maj. Paeta Hess-von Kruedener

""I am deeply saddened by reports that Major Hess-von Kruedener serving with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) mission in south Lebanon is missing and presumed dead as a result of an incident yesterday," said Harper."
"Harper indicated he did not agree with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s characterization of the Israeli hit as "deliberate targeting" of UN personnel."
""I certainly doubt that to be the case, given that the government of Israel has been co-operating with us in our evacuation efforts, in our attempts to move Canadian citizens out of Lebanon, and also trying to keep our own troops that are on the ground involved in that evacuation out of harms way. So, I seriously doubt that," he said.

Harper later accepted a telephone call from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who, according to Canadian officials, expressed his "deep regret" for the incident and apologized to all Canadians on behalf of his government."
This, despite evidence that Isreal had been repeatedly warned and aprised that they were targetting the UN observers' post and despite their assertions that they would stop.
I'd like to know when Harper is going to act like a Canadian Prime Minister and demand that Israel stop this current aggression. I want to know when he is going to act like a Canadian Prime Minister and stand up for the innocents being killed in Lebanon.
It is time for him to stop acting like Bush's bum-boy and act like a Canadian.

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